You may like watching the video of a group discussion on Tools to Aid Recovery and Return to Work that was presented (and recorded) via Blab yesterday. It was a stimulating exchange of ideas about both tools AND techniques with my colleagues Les Kertay, PhD and Chris Brigham, MD — as we each sat in our own offices. Each of us were visible in our own little boxes on the screen.
The session was aimed at professionals in any discipline who want to hone their skills at working with individuals who are having trouble getting back on their feet. It was sponsored by R3 Continuum and hosted by John Cloonan, their Marketing Director.
The video is now available on You Tube. There are a few static-y and jumpy spots in the video, but I believe you will find the 60 minute conversation is worth your time.
Here’s the link to the YouTube version:
Afterwards I talked to John Cloonan about Blab. Apparently it has a built-in link to Twitter, so Twitter users can watch the live Blab video using Twitter’s Periscope capabilities. Comments from Twitter users are fed to the Blab screen and are visible to presenters, which enables audience participation. In addition, John was able to simultaneously link the live video to Facebook. So while we were talking among ourselves, an unknown number of people were watching our discussion via R3 Continuum’s website, Facebook AND Twitter. If you go any of those places, you can still find it.
Wow, talk about the ability to extend one’s reach and connect with many audiences! Looks like John Cloonan (as a marketing guy who wants to disseminate messages far and wide) is drawn to Blab because it is possible to attach such a big social media megaphone to it!
As is typical with new technology, there are more challenges than are obvious at first glance. For example, Blab works much better with a high-speed wired connection. Some users may find their firewall is blocking it and have to figure out how to unblock it, etc. etc. I had to restart my silly computer to get the microphone to work. So having a “tech rehearsal” ahead of time was absolutely essential.
Les, Chris and I are all members of the Praxis Partners Consortium, by the way.
Jennifer, you were awesome and provided such great insights. It was a pleasure to join you, Les, and John. Great discussion. Hope to see some of colleagues at WCI in Orlando next month; will be doing book signings of Living Abled at the R3 Continuum booth.
Blab is a fascinating technology – much like a television show with a host and three guests – however we are all in different locations – connected via the net.
Good thoughts all around from you, Les, Chris and John… really agree with the positive approach to working through return to work situations (“getting unstuck” and moving ahead) and educating all parties involved about effective communication. Especially liked your example of the patient who told the workers’ compensation physician, that with rendering their medical opinion, “you took the cap off my life” (which the original physician had placed via stringent medical restrictions on the patient’s current and future abilities which debilitated his hope for the future).